Before putting up new wallpaper, you may have to remove the old wallpaper in your Orlando home before you can update it. If you aren’t working with removable wallpapers, removing wallpaper can be a messy job that requires some care. This guide will show you how to remove wallpaper with different methods and the tools needed.
Choose a Wallpaper Removal Method
The best way to remove the wallpaper in your home will depend on the type and style of wallpaper you have on your walls, as well as your preferred method for removal.
The easiest and cheapest wallpaper to remove is newer wallpaper. It’s also called “strippable”, “removable”, or “strippable”. This is because it only requires minimal intervention. This type of wallpaper is easily removed by loosening the corner and peeling the paper away from the wall. Then, clean up any adhesive residue. Spray liquid can be used to loosen and soften traditional wallpaper with a matte finish. The most difficult to remove is nonporous wallpaper, which cannot be penetrated by liquid to release adhesive. Instead, the paper needs to be perforated, moistened or steamed, and then scraped into smaller pieces. The homeowner can peel at the corner to test if it is strippable. They can also moisten the wallpaper with a wet sponge or spray bottle and see if it absorbs or repels liquid to identify the type of paper.
What is the easiest method to remove wallpaper from walls?
The type of wallpaper and adhesive will determine the best removal method. However, a combination may be required. The least expensive method is to strip the paper. It costs between $0.60 and $1.5 per square foot.
It is common to use soaking and scraping for non-porous papers and porous paper. This method can be more expensive than stripping because of the additional labor involved in soaking and scraping, but on average it costs $0.60 to $1.5 per square foot. The best way to remove firmly attached papers is to soak and scrape.
Steaming wallpaper is a non-toxic way to remove it. Hot water softens the adhesive. For homeowners who are interested in DIY, they can rent a Steamer or hire a professional to do the steaming.
Wear rubber gloves and protective glasses if you plan to use chemicals or steam to remove the wallpaper from your home.
How to remove wallpaper depends on the type of wall behind it. Wallpaper is typically adhered to plaster, drywall or other surfaces. It doesn’t really matter what substrate you’re removing the paper from if it’s a strippable type. Plaster and drywall have their own quirks. Plaster absorbs less water than drywall so it’s easier to not oversaturate the paper, which could damage the wall beneath. It’s important to have someone with the right knowledge to handle the plaster to prevent costly repairs. Even something as simple as angling the putty blade incorrectly or working on a clump dried glue with too much force can cause unsightly gouges and crumbled plaster to fall out of the walls. This expertise may come with an extra cost.
DIY wallpaper removal is messy and requires a lot more detail work. If you follow these steps, your room will be ready for a new look.
For wallpaper removal, our Orlando crews only use the best tools on the market. These range from simple scraping and sanding instruments to industrial steamers that are heavy duty. They will complete the task faster than a DIY enthusiast thanks to their years of experience.